Chocolate, Roses and Tea

Dating back to 5th century ancient Rome, Valentine’s Day is still today one of the most popular holidays. In fact, according to the Greeting Card Association, 145 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year in the U.S. alone, making it the largest card-sending holiday after Christmas.

It’s the day, when people around the world typically show affection for the special people in their lives with adoring words, chocolates, flowers. And I’m going to add to that, a gift of tea! The ideal tea for today, is the perfect combination of a China black tea, chocolate and roses – Harney and Sons, Valentine Blend. On their site, this is what they say about the tea- “Valentine’s Blend is our romantic brew of our chocolate black tea blend with lovely pink rosebuds. Keep the romance alive and enjoy this special tea with your special someone throughout the year”

For a long time, chocolates and roses have been honored as ambassadors of love. Nothing can make the heart flutter like candles, flowers and the whisper of sweet things, all the while taking pleasure in a cup of Valentine’s Blend – and this is what I have been drinking all day, a romantic gift to myself.

I love the blend of the tea, the roses, and the chocolate, three of earth’s most sensuous pleasures together— it’s fantastic! The aroma is delicious, fragrant with roses and subtle chocolate notes. The aroma accompanies an elegant flavor of deep chocolate with a hint of rose. You can truly taste each element individually for a combined flavor of perfection. All in all- this is a tea with a surprisingly bright finish, a lovely depth of flavor and a wonderful aroma. A beautiful cup of tea!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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